Tag: Halloween
The Munk Machine Halloween Float 2011
The Munk Machine Halloween Parade Float on October 31, 2011 in New York City. Music by DJ Peter Munch. Tripping the light fantastic!
The Mushroom Dance
Beauty and the Meduza Man
Channel 4 Night Creatures
Afterparty at Cielo
Munk Machine Float at the Village Halloween Parade 2011
Beauty and the Glowing Meduzaman
Halloween Dance Party at Bohemian National Hall
Performance by Blanka and Andrey:
Halloween Costume Parade:
The Munch Machine Rocks Halloween 2010
My friend DJ Peter Munch aka The Munch Machine had a float at the Village Halloween Parade. Here is the video from the event:
Rally To Restore Insanity
Halloween party on the same day as the Rally To Restore Sanity.

French Tuesdays Halloween Party 2009
French Tuesdays hosted the “Heaven & Hell” Halloween Party at the Russian Tea Room. The party took place in two rooms – Heaven and Hell on two separate floors of Russian Tea Room. The arriving guests were escorted to Purgatory which is yet on another floor. In Purgatory St. Pierre sentenced the guests to either Heaven or Hell by giving them the appropriate wrist band. Then the guests were escorted to either Heaven or Hell.
To be able to go from Hell to Heaven the guests would have to visit the Bureau of Good Actions where they would need to do something that is approved by the Fairy from Heaven. If the Fairy approves the action, the guests get a wrist band to be able to go to Heaven.
For those naughty guests who would like to be able to go from Heaven to Hell, they would need to go to the Bureau of Bad Actions and perform their action in front of Devil’s daughter. If the action was bad enough for her, she would give them the wrist band to be admitted to Hell.
Heaven and Hell had its own DJ and it was fun being in both places.
Here is some additional footage:

French Tuesdays Halloween Party 2008
French Tuesdays annual Halloween Party. This year it was held at Country restaurant in Carlton Hotel. There were prizes for the best Halloween costume in different categories including the most sexy.
New York City Halloween Parade 2007