Search For Posts app has been reviewed in PHX News blog.
Category: Programming
A Hope For New Search
Search For Posts 4.2 Is Out
Search For Posts iOS app version 4.2 has been released with a bunch of significant improvements in searching for Facebook posts, photos, videos, events, places and comments.
Improved search functionality including:
Search for tags in all photos and videos. Now you can enter a person’s name and see all photos and videos where the person is tagged.
Search for comments in all photos and videos (not just posts).
Search for places where events are taking place.
Search for videos you were tagged in that are uploaded by someone else.
For each place that you find you can see all search results tagged in this place as well as everything else that you tagged in the place broken down by content type (i.e posts, photos, videos, etc).
On the profile screen there is now Top Places statistic which shows the list of places sorted by number of posts, albums, photos, videos and events.
When you open a post in Facebook, there is now a dedicated Share button to share the link to that post via SMS/Email/AirDrop/Clipboard and more.
The app now loads 50 search results at a time instead of 25.
Fixed occasional crashes when the app is started in landscape mode.
Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements.
iOS 9 is now required to run the app.
Since the indexing algorithm has been improved, this update will reindex all of your Facebook data.
Download the app free from the app store:
Search For Posts App version 4.0 is out.
Search For Posts iOS app version 4.0.1 is out. The app lets you search for your Facebook statuses, links, photo albums, photos, videos, comments, events and places by specifying keywords and/or the range of dates.
Fsearch 3.0 iPhone App Is Out
Fsearch 3.0 iPhone app is out!
This is a massive update with a slew of new features that makes Fsearch the most comprehensive search app for Facebook!
Dramatically improved the speed and accuracy of search for posts and comments by using indexing. The index data is stored on the user’s device only. For more information please visit
Statistics on the most common words, top commenters, number of posts by month and year, number of comments by you on posts of the specific friend/page, number of comments of a specific friend/page on your posts.
See all posts within a specific month and year.
Searchable list of all words used in all posts.
Searchable list of all people who commented on a specific friend/page’s posts.
See all of your comments on posts by a specific friend/page.
See all comments by a specific friend/page on your posts.
Please note that currently the only comments that can be searched are the ones that are posted on items on users/pages’ timelines, not on photos and videos.
Fsearch 3.0 iPhone app coming soon.
Fsearch 3.0 iPhone app is coming soon. New features include:
* Fast search for Facebook posts and comments.
* See the most common words and top commenters.
* See the number of posts by month and year.
* See the posts within a specific month or year.
* See the number of comments by you on posts of the specific friend/page as well as the number of comments of a specific friend/page on your posts with ability to see the actual comments in chronological order.
Fsearch app reviewed by AppPicker
AppPicker site has published the review of Fsearch iPhone app. The app lets you search for Facebook photos, videos, links, status updates, events, check-ins and more. Click here for the review.
Search For Posts iPhone App version 1.2.1
Version 1.2.1 of Search For Posts iPhone app is now in the AppStore.
What’s new:
Page profile screens now show status updates, photo albums, videos, links, events and notes of the page.
Photos search now will find older photos from special albums like Mobile Uploads, Timeline Photos, etc.
Photos results screen is now dynamically updated as additional search results are received while the search is in progress.
Added Tips section to the Options screen. This section will be updated periodically with tips on how to accomplish certain tasks with the app.
Fixed displaying page profiles from Favorites.
Fixed the error that occurred while searching for links of pages that have a lot of links. Now up to 1000 links will be searched.
Fixed the bugs in image loading that caused wrong image to be displayed in the search results.
Search For Posts iPhone App Version 1.2 Released
Version 1.2 of Search For Posts – Facebook Search Engine iPhone app has been released.
What’s new in this version:
– More comprehensive search for user’s or page’s posts utilizing the news feed.
– Search for comments. You can search by keywords contained within the text of the comments or within the name of the person who posted them.
– New time frame presets. Improved search for posts within a specific time frame.
– Improved presentation of search results.
– New Favorites list where you can add frequently searched users and pages.
– You can now see all status updates, photo albums, videos, links and events of a user on the user’s profile screens.
Search For Posts app lets the users search for Facebook posts, photos, videos, links, events and more based on keywords and/or time frame.
Download the app here:

Search For Posts Facebook App
I am an avid Facebook user. I have almost 1,000 videos and over 40,000 photos on Facebook. What I found very frustrating is that it is very difficult to find specific videos, photos and other content after it has been posted. The only way Facebook offers to do it is to scroll pages until you find what you are looking for. Facebook’s search feature lets you search public information posted by others, but what if you want to search your own content that you posted in the past?
I have no idea why Facebook does not let you perform a text search for your own content or content posted by your friends, but fortunately it provides a way to perform a search on the user posted content by using it’s third party application programming interface (API). So I decided to write the Search For Posts application that lets you find your photos, albums, videos, notes, status posts, places and events based on the text contained within them. In addition to text based search, you can also search for all posts made within a specific time period!
This application will be useful for anyone who has a lot of content posted on Facebook and wants to find it easily. The application privacy policy is documented here. If you have questions about the application, please consult the FAQ. For user feedback on the application, please see the application fan page.